Tragodentrodo meu coração, Como num cofre que se não pode fechar de cheio, Todos oslugares onde estive, Todos os portosa que cheguei, Todas aspaisagensque vi através de janelas ou vigias, Ou de tombadilhos,sonhando, E tudo isso, que é tanto, é pouco para o que euquero.
ps- Hoje em conversa com um amigo de longa data, recordámos este grupo. E esta música em particular, que tanto nos disse há muitos anos e que, concluímos, passados estes anos todos, continua a tanto nos dizer...
The contrast of white on white. And in between the moon and you The angels get a better view Of the crumbling difference between wrong and right. I walk in the air between the rain Through myself and back again Where? I don't know Maria says she's dying Through the door I hear her crying Why? I don't know Round here we always stand up straight Round here something radiates Maria came from Nashville with a suitcase in her hand She said she'd like to meet a boy who looks like Elvis And she walks along the edge of where the ocean meets the land Just like she's walking on a wire in the circus She parks her car outside of my house Takes her clothes off Says she's close to understanding Jesus She knows she's more than just a little misunderstood She has trouble acting normal when she's nervous Round here we're carving out our names Round here we all look the same Round here we talk just like lions But we sacrifice like lambs Round here she's slipping through my hands Sleeping children better run like the wind out of the lightning dream Mama's little baby better get herself in out of the lightning She says "it's only in my head" She says "Shhh I know it's only in my head" But the girl on the car in the parking lot Says "Man you should try to take a shot Can't you see my walls are crumbling?" Then she looks up at the building Says she's thinking of jumping She says she's tired of life She must be tired of something Round here she's always on my mind Round here hey man got lots of time Round here we're never sent to bed early and nobody makes us wait Round here we stay up very, very, very, very late I can't see nothing.. nothing round here Will you catch if I'm falling Will you catch me if I'm falling Will you catch me cause I'm falling down on you I said I'm under the gun around here I'm innocent I'm under the gun around here And I can't see nothing Nothing round here.
ps - Musiquinha maravilha que me faz ter muitas saudades das férias, em especial, do Porto... Snif, snif...
fevereiro 20, 2009
Sinto que hoje novamente embarco Para as grandes aventuras,
Passam no ar palavras obscuras
E o meu desejo canta --- por isso marco
Nos meus sentidos a imagem desta hora.
Sonoro e profundo
Aquele mundo
Que eu sonhara e perdera Espera
O peso dos meus gestos.
E dormem mil gestos nos meus dedos.
Desligadas dos círculos funestos Das mentiras alheias,
Finalmente solitárias,
As minhas mãos estão cheias De expectativa e de segredos Como os negros arvoredos
Que baloiçam na noite murmurando.
Ao longe por mim oiço chamando A voz das coisas que eu sei amar.